Training Game 1 – Body Language
What is this Training Game for?
The purpose of this Game is to put your people to think about how the body language and the facial expressions can deliver important messages about how your Customer feels about you and how you feel about your Customers.
What do we want to achieve?
We want your people to recognize what Customers are feeling and change their communication accordingly to improve the result of the interface and the quality of the Customer Experience. We also want your people to learn how to proactively present to the Customers the best version of themselves, expressed by their behavior, using the body language and the facial expressions.
How long the Exercise takes?
40 to 50 mins.
What will you need?
One copy of the Body Language Handout (Part 1 and 2), as well as a copy of the Facial Expressions Handout (Part 1 and 2), to each participant.
How the Game works?
1) Separate the group of people being trained into smaller groups of 3 people.
2) On the first part of the Exercise, ask the participants to discuss within their groups, using the Body Language Handout, what do they feel about each person in the handout. Do they feel good or bad, welcome or not? Ask them to identify what the person in the picture is thinking and feeling, then ask the participants to explain why they think so.
3) Use the following questions to foster a discussion between the participants (can be done within the group or between all participants altogether).
a. How does your body language, attire or posture can affect your communication with your Customers?
b. In the situation where a Customer is nervous and agitated while interfacing with you, what kind of postures would scale the situation down?
c. What kind of posture would make a happy Customer get nervous and irritated?
4) On the second part of the Exercise, ask the participants to identify who are the people in each pair of pictures on the Body Language Handout Part 2 show a posture of High Power and those who display a posture of Low Power. Ask the participants to describe what would be a neutral position. Finally ask the participants in what situations would be ok to use each one of the postures discussed.
5) On the third part of the Exercise, ask the participants to discuss within their groups, using the Expressions Handout, what kind of facial expressions correspond to the words shown on the handout. Ask randomly to each participant in the groups to show, to the other participants, their version of the facial expression corresponding to 2 of your random ask, but don’t share your ask with the entire group. Let the group to try to identify which expression is the participant trying to show. Let the fun come into play.
6) On the fourth part of the Exercise, ask participants to discuss which are the feelings related to the pictures on the Facial Expressions Handout – Part 2
7) Use the following questions to foster a discussion between the participants (can be done within the group or between all participants altogether).
a. In which situations should you avoid using facial expressions?
b. In which situations you are encouraged to use facial expressions?
c. Is it a good idea to verbalize your acknowledgement of the Customers facial expressions while interacting with them?
8) At the end of the game, ask each person to give feedback about the exercise, but … with no words … just with body language and facial expressions.
The key to the pictures on the handouts is:
a. Body Language – Part 1:
i. Not open to your ideas
ii. Trying to show power – look bigger
iii. Listening carefully – Interested
iv. Thinking hard on what you are saying
v. Tired
vi. Bored
vii. Showing openness – No weapons in hand
viii. Does not believe in what you are saying
ix. Showing who is in control – the boss
x. Leaning forward – Trust you and interested
xi. Disbelief
xii. Does not trust you – keeping distance
xiii. Lying or want to take back what was said
xiv. Impatience
xv. Standing straight – Self-Confidence
b. Body Language – Part 2:
i. High Power – Low Power
ii. Low Power – High Power
iii. Low Power – High Power
iv. High Power – Low Power
c. Facial Expressions:
i. Anger
ii. Disbelief
iii. Disgust
iv. Happiness
v. Doubt
vi. Interest
vii. Boredom
viii. Welcoming
ix. Satisfaction