Psicologia Positiva

Psicologia Positiva
Claudemir Oliveira
Seeds of Dreams
This book talks about Positive Psychology, but it is not a scientific treatise.
Claudemir Oliveira, the author, is a Customer Experience expert who has devoted much of his career to his work at Disney (opened the first Disney office in Brazil and was later ” exported ” to Orlando where he was Head of Strategy for Global Training at Disney) and later, after leaving Disney, created Seeds of Dreams, a company whose purpose is to disseminate knowledge about Disney’s Customer Service techniques. In short, to explain how Magic works.
This book, instead of dealing only with the concepts of what Positive Psychology is, Claudemir successfully preferred to tell his personal experiences, where Positive Psychology was applied and brought a real result in his life.
Claudemir tells some of the most difficult and happiest moments of his life and career and presents us with a collection of articles (many autobiographical) published by him, in which he discusses relevant themes in the light of Positive Psychology, illustrating with real examples how this philosophy manifests itself in people’s lives.
The purpose of this article is not to summarize the book, but to bring up some relevant points that instigate the reader of this article to become a reader of this book. Here are some points that caught my attention:
1) The fisherman may not be educated, he may not know about laws, calculations, he may not even know how to read or write, but he has skills and wisdom, which in his life, make all the difference. We need to know how to respect the wisdom of others, even if it is not like ours.
2) At Disney, they hire a smile and train the technique. About the importance of having the right attitude within your company.
3) Sometimes we discard a candidate because of his CV, but we are giving up someone who, with a sparkle in his eyes, could represent our brand with much more property than the most prepared of the candidates.
4) Believing that everything will work out is a foundation of Positive Psychology, but simply hoping that it will, is not. We need to run after it, but mainly to run after time, so that the positive reality can materialize in time.
5) Letter of Gratitude: this is a way for you to look back and remember everything that brought you gain, or happiness, or learning, that other people brought into the story of your life. You think about everything positive you received from someone and write a letter telling how it made a difference in your life and how you felt and feel about it. Then either you mail the letter, or you will personally deliver that letter to this person. The feeling that you have and that you cause in the person, makes all the difference in your life and that of the other person. Try it.
6) In Positive Psychology, two incredible ways to bring happiness are to serve (to bring happiness to others) and to be grateful.
7) When your body is hungry, but you fill your soul with the satisfaction of seeking and achieving a dream, even the body calms down. You feed on the dream. Claudemir tells how he ate water.
8) Amazing how we learned more about technology in 10 years than we learned how to relate better with other humans in the last 200 years.
9) Martin Luther King said: ‘‘ What concerns me is not the cry of the bad guys, but the silence of the good guys ’’.
10) Parents who leave their children at the daycare saying ‘‘ I need to leave you here to be able to work ’’, shouldn’t be surprised if these children one day leave them in the nursing home saying ‘’ I need to leave you here to be able to work ’’.
11) Social Networks bring those who are far away closer and those who are close it pushes away!
12) Ignorance is the lack of awareness of knowledge.
13) The taste of life is in the consciousness of death.
14) When you judge someone, you do not define that person, but yourself.
15) To be happy, first make someone happy ‘’ Pay it forward Therapy ’’
16) When the soul is inhibited, the body shows itself. When the tears are hidden, the body cries. Many illnesses are photographs of the repressed emotional state.
17) Interesting how we focus so much on the result (which we don’t control) and so little on the journey (what we control). The Journey is every day and we can do it much better, but the result is only from time to time, but it depends on so many other things, that disappointment is frequent.
18) 5 pillars of Positive Psychology (PERMA) – Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Achievements.
19) Every Saint has a Past and everyone who makes mistakes has a Future.
20) I am like the waters of a river. The rocks on the way can cause a whirlwind, slow my speed, slow me down, but I go around and continue.
21) Looking at dusk or dawn we discover that God is a painter in his spare time.
22) It is in the rocking of the cart that the pumpkins adjust – on the importance of coaching.
23) Everything can be taken from a man, except his freedom to choose his attitude towards it.
24) As Winston Churchill said ‘’ When going through hell, don’t stop! ’’
25) We become immortal when we serve others.
These are just a few of the things we learn in this book. Go get your own learning.